Amy Mitten

Laurie B Florence Law 1899 Hats

October Finishes

Welcome back to the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild Blog! We really appreciate your visiting our website and hope you will join us for one of our monthly Zoom meetings. At our monthly meeting this month, Kathy Andrews of The Unbroken Thread gave a very informative lecture and presentation on some of the samplers and their

October Finishes

Stephanie D Clamshell

An Ode to June

Now Summer’s fervour rages round,The sun darts fierce his burning rays;The flocks now seek the covert ground,And Nature pants beneath the blaze; An excerpt from ‘Ode to June’ by Charles Graham Universal Magazine 76 (June 1785) 328. June is the month that summer begins but here in the United States mother nature has had other

An Ode to June

Susan D Hardanger Table Runner Closeup

May the Fourth!

The monthly virtual meeting of the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild was held on Tuesday, May 4th (and for all you Star Wars fans – “May the Force be with you!” One of our guild members, Carrie N, gave a very in depth presentation on different whitework embroidery techniques which included freestyle, counted thread, pulled/drawn thread

May the Fourth!