Carriage House Samplings

Abbyr Fromnaturetomyneedle Theblueflower

September Musings

Fall is in the air in the Northern Hemisphere while Spring has started in the Southern Hemisphere! Our members have been creating some wonderful objects of art with their busy needles, fabric and thread. The next meeting of the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild will be held on Tuesday, October 4th 2022 at 7:00pm Central Time.

September Musings

Stephanie D Clamshell

An Ode to June

Now Summer’s fervour rages round,The sun darts fierce his burning rays;The flocks now seek the covert ground,And Nature pants beneath the blaze; An excerpt from ‘Ode to June’ by Charles Graham Universal Magazine 76 (June 1785) 328. June is the month that summer begins but here in the United States mother nature has had other

An Ode to June