Satsuma Street

October Finishes

Welcome back to the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild Blog! We really appreciate your visiting our website and hope you will join us for one of our monthly Zoom meetings. At our monthly meeting this month, Kathy Andrews of The Unbroken Thread gave a very informative lecture and presentation on some of the samplers and their

October Finishes

August 2022 Meeting and 2022 Show & Tell

Cissy Baily Smith, Gentle Pursuits Designs, presented a program on Scottish Samplers where we learned about Scottish history and female education in Scotland, the materials used in sampler making in the 1750-1850 time period, and key Scottish Sampler identification clues. Cissy shared several Scottish samplers in her collection. Our members have been busy and shared several

August 2022 Meeting and 2022 Show & Tell Read More ยป

August Memories

Our guest speaker at the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild in August was Theresa Venette, the designer behind Shakespeare’s Peddler (also known as Kitten Stitcher on Floss Tube). Theresa discussed with us her experience with purchasing antique samplers. Theresa has purchased and reproduced many beautiful samplers and shared her extensive knowledge with the guild membership. This

August Memories

Doorway to Fall

Welcome back, stitchers! Our September program was a program on stash storage given by Debbie G. Members contributed with photos of their own storage methods and Debbie also provided a bunch of inspiration photos she had collected. If you want to share your own methods for stash organization or get inspired yourself, there is a

Doorway to Fall

April Showers

Hello again, stitching friends! The Tudor Rose Sampler Guild met again in April and were treated to a lovely presentation by Debbie G. on displaying your needlework. She shared examples from all over and some great ideas for out of the ordinary displays. We also had fun getting a peek into the homes of members

April Showers