Hello again, stitching friends! The Tudor Rose Sampler Guild met again in April and were treated to a lovely presentation by Debbie G. on displaying your needlework. She shared examples from all over and some great ideas for out of the ordinary displays. We also had fun getting a peek into the homes of members and how they display their finished work. We also had our Spring exchange, but let’s look at Show & Tell before I show you the amazing exchange pieces.

How unique is that?!

And Judy brought her framed Ann Smith sampler back in to show us! You may recall she brought the finished sampler in February.

Judy purchased the pattern while visiting the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, England.

Finishing by Betty H. โ Customization includes the needles in the basket. Shelly stitched this for a fellow member, Lori J’s, birthday gift.

And speaking of Lori J., she had two finishes as well. I love how EE&F uses specialty stitches like the satin stitching in the grass to add texture and interest.

I love the muted colors on this one.

And remember Doris M. shared this piece back in February? Now it’s framed and looks fantastic. Framing was done by the Stitch Niche.

Love how the colors pop on that fabric!

Michelle L. stitched this piece for the #EAPMacabre SAL on Instagram. She mostly used the called for DMC on her own hand-dyed linen.

Michelle L. stitched this freebie from The Primitive Hare with her own overdyed conversion.

Michelle L. also stitched another freebie from the Primitive Hare, again with her own overdyed conversion.

And you may recall, last month Shari H. taught how to make these button lanyards? Cyndi S. finished two of them! And Mary B. has smoking needles! She’s been working on these 12 Days ornaments by Hands On Design.
Aren’t they fantastic on that linen? And now, as promised, here’s a look at our exchange… TRSG SPRING EXCHANGE Similar to our patriotic exchange we did last year, members that wanted to participate in the Spring exchange stitched a small in the theme of Spring, and finish it however they chose.

I love the butterfly on the other side.

And here are all of our exchange pieces together. They are all fantastic and I’m sure each participant was thrilled with what they went home with. Our next exchange will be our annual ornament exchange at our December holiday party.
Looking forward to our next meeting!
always a pleasure to see the beautiful things created by the Tudor Rose guild.
cheers Mel