Let The Festivities Begin

2013 Holiday Party

Somehow December has rolled up on us once again, and you know what that means…our annual holiday party!!! This year we decided to try something a little different and held the gathering at our usual meeting location. While not as personal as being in some one’s home, everyone said they were glad that it was a place they knew how to get to! We had a great turnout, and as you can see from the photo above – we had an amazing selection of delicious foods too.

Shortly before our party, Tricia Nguyen of Thistle Threads posted a fun little freebie on her blog – a paper casket you can color and assemble. As a party favor for our members our wonderful Program Chair, Marie, printed these off on nice card stock so that we could each have one.

Isn’t it sweet when it’s assembled?

And as you can imagine, we all dove into the food as quickly as possible. Notice all my photos are from the dessert end of the table…wonder why that is?

2013 Holiday Party

Of course, the highlight of our holiday party is the ornament exchange. Each member who wanted to participate brought an ornament they had stitched and finished. Normally we do the exchange in a manner where when your number is up you can open a gift or steal from someone else. This year, Laurie B. suggested a new way to do it. She’d attended a retreat and picked up some great options for gift exchanges and we thought we’d give this one a whirl! Everyone participating sat at the tables with their own wrapped ornament.

2013 Ornament Exchange

As we went around the table each person drew a card and then had to follow the instructions by passing their gift to the left or right, switching with someone wearing red, etc.

2013 Ornament Exchange

We did one complete round with the gifts still wrapped, then everyone unwrapped the one they had. After much oohing and ahhing, we went for round two. Now you can see what you’re swapping!

2013 Ornament Exchange

So much fun! Thanks, Laurie, for helping us mix it up a bit this year!

And of course, I have to show you some of the amazing ornaments our members stitched. I’m absolutely loving that ruched ribbon around the Ewe & Eye & Friends ornament.

2013 Ornament Exchange

And you can see above a regular-sized LHN ornament, and then below is a teeny-tiny LHN stitched over one. So sweet!

2013 Ornament Exchange

I love seeing all the different ornaments everyone chose to stitch, but then also all the different finishing techniques.

2013 Ornament Exchange

Even the trims are different – chenille, twisted cord, beads, ribbon, you name it. We even had some wool felt ornaments that were just darling!

2013 Ornament Exchange

Here are all the ornaments together at the end. Aren’t they just fabulous? I tried to just sweep them all into my bag…but was forced to let them go home with their new owners.

2013 Ornament Exchange

It really was a fun evening, and I was so glad to see such a great turn out of members. We think having the party at our usual meeting place might just be the way to go.

Here’s wishing you the most wonderful of holidays and a bright start to the new year!

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