May Flowers

Can you believe May is already here? And when our meeting actually falls on the first day of the month, it usually sneaks up on me

Unfortunately, due to the weather in April, the last meeting was cancelled. It was decided at the May meeting, that in the future if there is a meeting cancellation, it will be posted here on the blog. So, if you’re wondering if the weather is causing a cancellation, check back here for details.

Now, on with the Show and Tell:

Dana C. stitched up this cute Chessie and Me piece called Glory House.

Dana C. – Glory House by Chessie and Me

Cyndi finished her Catherine Theron Seminar piece. Isn’t this stunning? It’s Morning Has Broken and like all Catherine Theron pieces, it is truly gorgeous in person.

Cyndi S. – Morning Has Broken by Catherine Theron

Pat finished some Irish pieces:

Pat – Irish Nutcracker by A Sweetheart Tree

A Sweetheart Tree – Irish Nutcracker

Pat – Irish Pinkeeps

And two Irish pinkeeps. She used her own images for our Pinkeep program in March.

Marie Z. had three finishes:

Marie Z. – Red Reindeer by Birds of a Feather

Red Reindeer by Birds of a Feather (I just LOVE this one!!!)

Marie Z. – bag kits from Merry Cox

And two bag kits from Merry Cox

Sharon – Hearts and Flowers Sampler Band and Accessories by Jane Timmers

Sharon finished this Jane Timmers Shaker Box called Hearts and Flowers Sampler Band and Accessories

Michelle L. brought in two finishes:

Michelle L. – Rabbit Box by Prairie Moon

Rabbit Box by Prairie Moon

Michelle L. – Margaret Cottam by La-D-Da

Margaret Cottam by La-D-Da

Even our visitor, Lynnette, brought in something to show:

Lynnette – Toccata One by The Drawn Thread

Toccata One by The Drawn Thread

Betty brought in two framed finishes that both got her creative personal touch. The first one was originally going to be the Maria Antoni Sampler from The Essamplaire. But after a couple of tries, Betty decided that what she had finished was perfect for framing on its own. I love the clever use of the recycled frame and pinning the piece to the corrugated cardboard.

Betty – portion of Maria Antoni Sampler by The Essamplaire

And Betty also finished this freebie from Blackbird Designs, but she liked it with the border unfinished, so that’s how she’s framed it. What a great inspiration to make your pieces your own!!

Betty – modified Petites Lettres Rouges by Blackbird Designs

Debbie brought in two finishes as well.

Debbie – Home is Where You Hang Your Needlework by Eileen Bennett

Home is Where You Hang Your Needlework by Eileen Bennett And then, look at this! When Debbie unrolled this finish, it was nearly as tall as she is! Absolutely gorgeous!

Debbie – Celtic Banner by Butternut Road
Debbie – Celtic Banner by Butternut Road
Debbie – Celtic Banner by Butternut Road
Debbie – Celtic Banner by Butternut Road

Celtic Banner by Butternut Road

And this month’s program was part 2 of Marie Z’s talk on the Historic Needlework Tour she took. This part focused on Scotland. And again, Marie had more stunning details of the most incredible pieces. Examples of stumpwork, metalwork, blackwork, etc.

Marie Z.’s Historic Needlework Tour presentation

Thanks, Marie, for another fantastic presentation!!

The June meeting program is the rescheduled presentation on Sumptuary Laws.

1 thought on “May Flowers”

  1. Chocolates4Breakfast (TerriBoog)

    What awesome projects everyone brought to share! I love Show and Share at guild meetings, it's always so inspiring!

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