Welcome back to the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild Blog! We really appreciate your visiting our website and hope you will join us for one of our monthly Zoom meetings.
At our monthly meeting , Laurie B., walked us through the finishing instructions for the annual TRSG Holiday Ornament. We learned how to do the Picot Edge, (aka, Danish Picot Edge or Mice Teeth Edge) that gives a nice lacey appearance on the outside edge of the ornament.
As usual, our memberโs needles have been very busy. Here are the finishes submitted by our members this month. As you can see there are a variety of wonderful projects. Enjoy!
MaryEllen B: Ada Roper 1894 Hornbook from JBW DesignsMaryEllen B: Long-Eared Owl from Lindy StitchesMaryEllen B: Nightengale Berry from Erica MichaelsPhyllis D: Button Etui from Amaryllis Artworks, Denise Harrington PrattPhyllis D: Button Etui from Amaryllis Artworks, Denise Harrington PrattRoblyn T: Button Etui from Amaryllis Artworks, Denise Harrington PrattRoblyn T: Button Etui from Amaryllis Artworks, Denise Harrington PrattRobert H: Sarah Ann Banton 1833 from Cozyegg DesignsRobert H: SH 1683 from The EssamplairePhyllis D: Happy Halloween from Lucky Star DesignsSherri H: Cardinal Etching from Heart In HandSherru H: Comfort & Joy from Luminous Fiber ArtsSherri H: Summer Hive from Ewe and Eye and FriendsSherri H: Summer Liberty from Chessie & Me
Sylvia S: Before the Ball from Lindy MiniSylvia S: Noel Buttons from Running with Needles & ScissorsSylvia S: Janet Scott 1857 from Running with Needles & ScissorsValerie V: Sunday Morning (Sophia Betts) from Samplers RememberedValerie V: Red Cottage from Plum Street SamplersAnn T: Harriet Godhard from Hands Across the Sea SamplersAnn T: Jane Harth 1868 from Hands Across the Sea SamplersCyndi S: Jessie Watson from Hands Across the Sea SamplersCyndi S: Maria’s Dechado from Samplers RememberedCyndi S: A Peacock, A Badger, A Unicorn from The Scarlet LetterCyndi S: Long May She Wave from Chessie & MeCyndi S: Long May She Wave from Chessie & MeCyndi S: The Rose and the Giant Pear from Hands Across the Sea SamplersDeborah O: Sunflower Sampler from Heart in HandDeborah O: Uber Pumpkin from Bent CreekKaren H: Strawberry Faire from October House Fiber ArtsLaurie B: A Witch in Her Garden by With Thy Needle & ThreadLaurie B: Autumn Alphabet Hornbook Laurie B: Autumn Song Sewing Box by Blackbird DesignsLaurie B: Midnight Ride by Blackbird DesignsLaurie B: Hearts Content Sewing ClampLaurie B: Miscellaneous Autumn FinishesMaria K: Delft Blues by Summerhouse Stitch WorkesMaria K: I Heard the Bells by From the Heart NeedleartMaria K: M is for Mistletoe by Donna Cermillion GianpaMaria K: Spring Blossom from Modern Folk EmbroideryMaria K: Tis the Season from Blackbird DesignsMary B: Though He Seemeth Sleeping by Lucy Beam Love in Stitches
The next meeting of the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild will be held on Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 at 7:00pm Central Time. Our program next month will be our Annual Holiday Party and Ornament Exchange.
As always, thank you for stopping by our little part of the internet and we look forward to seeing you again next month.