Programs for the remainder of 2010 are:
October – Stitch-In
November – Christmas Ornament kit (designed by Kim Lewis)
December – Ornament Exchange and Christmas Party
Stephanie H., the new program chair, asked that members forward any ideas or requests for programs in 2011 to her. Email me at the blog address if you need her contact information.
Michelle L. reported that there is no kit price yet for the Stacy Nash workshop, March 12/13, 2011, but the design will be similar to her Boxwood & Berries project.
Barbie D. asked if, in the interest of facilitating blog updates, members would please submit a card or note each month, supplying information on their stitched projects for Show & Tell.
Guild officer elections will be held at the November meeting – the following offices need to be filled:
President (we have a volunteer)
New Program Assistant (plans ahead for 2012)
Workshop Assistant (becomes Workshop Chair in 2012) (we have a volunteer)
Enjoy what our members have been stitching: