Summer Stitching

Sherri H: Tudor Rose Biscornu by Heartstring Samplery

TRSG’s August meeting was held online via Zoom teleconference.  We were again joined by Beth Twist of Heartstring Samplery and she and Vicki N provided instruction and shared tips on finishing the Tudor Rose biscornu we received in June.

Here are the submissions of works finished by Guild members:

Patricia B: We Live In Hope by Blackbird Designs
Karen H: Jenny Bean for the Parlor: Part 1 Alphabets by Shakespeare’s Peddler
Phyllis D: Pumpkin Keeper by The Drawn Thread
Phyllis D: Candy House
Phyllis D: Holiday Hoopla Christmas by With Thy Needle & Thread
Lorri H: Henna Mandala by Ink Circles

Lorri stitched this with Gloriana Red Clay silk on 28ct linen.

Phyllis D: Claddagh by Sub Rosa
Shelly M: Jane Marshall 1857 by Hands Across the Sea

Shelly stitched her piece with AVAS silks

Michelle L: HallowEden by Plum Street Samplers
Michelle L: Athene Noctua by Ink Circles
Sherry S: Mary Eliza McMillan 1869 by Hands Across the Seas
Sherry S: Be Well and Stitch by Heartstring Samplery
Lisa I: My Heart Can Rest by Blackbird Designs
Christine H: Land of Liberty by With Thy Needle and Thread
Christine H: Jenny Bean’s Friendship Sampler by Shakespeare’s Peddler
Cynthia B: Patriotic Poppies by With Thy Needle & Thread
Cynthia H: Bee Well by Blackberry Rabbit
Lisa T: Reunion of Hearts by The Trilogy
Lisa T: Friends Gather by Bent Creek, Scissor Fob by Fiber Works
Lisa T: Dragon Castle by Bothy Threads
Lisa T: We Are All Doomed by Fiddlesticks AU
Lisa T: Christmas Cracker by Bent Creek, Scissor Fob by Fern Ridge
Lisa T: Smocked Dress
Barb R: Patriotic Berry by Notforgotten Farms, TRSG 2020 Berry, My Journal accessory to Sailor’s Huswife
Barbara R: Angel Sewing Accessories by Merry Cox Folk Art
Barbara R: Merry Cox Americana Folk Art Trifold and Shaker Box with stitched band
Barbara R: Wool pincushion and silk gauze scissor holder from Silver Needle 2020 Summer Retreat, Heartstring Samplery pincushion
Barbara R: Be Well and Stitch by Needlework Press and Shepherd’s Bush
Lorri H: Murky Manor by Glendon Place
Mary B: All are Equal in Death by Dark Crosses (Modern Folk Embroidery)
Robert H: Mary Eliza McMillan 1869 by Hands Across the Sea
Robert H: Ann Gardner 1822 by Historic Needlework Guild
Robert H: Marie Abbott c. 1680 by the Scarlet Letter
Sherri H: Coffee First by With Thy Needle & Thread
Sherri H: Tudor Rose Biscornu by Heartstring Samplery
Codi M: Summer Jubilee by Blackbird Designs
Cyndi S: Burgundy Band Sampler by iStitch Designs
Cyndi S: Holiday Tea Light Cover by Sharon Davis
Rachel V: Tudor Bee by The Blue Flower
Rachel V: Wee Cradle by the Workbasket
Jeannine M: Dames Boarding School by Examplar Dames
Debra B: My Beloved Town, Part 7 of Jenny Bean: For the Parlor by Shakespeare’s Peddler
Debra B: My Home, Part 8 of Jenny Bean: For the Parlor by Shakespeare’s Peddler

In September, we will have another surprise for our 20th Anniversary celebration – keep an eye on your mailbox!

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