Sampler Stories Huswife


A self lined Huswif with motifs taken from 2 antique samplers taught by Cissy Bailey Smith of Gentle Pursuit Designs. For intermediate stitchers. The Finished Huswif is 8 inches wide and 4 inches high and is self lined.
This product can only be purchased by members.

This product has been discontinued.

Product Description

A self lined Huswif with motifs taken from 2 antique samplers taught by Cissy Bailey Smith of Gentle Pursuit Designs. For intermediate stitchers. The Finished Huswif is 8 inches wide and 4 inches high and is self lined.

Each kit includes:

  • Linen that is 10 inches wide and 22 inches long
  • 2 Gloriana Silks
  • 11 Needlepoint Inc. Silks
  • AVAS Gold Accentuate
  • A spool of AVAS 100-03
  • A 24-inch silk ribbon

Cissy borrowed motifs from her Scottish samplers for one side and her English samplers for the other side of the Huswif. The primary samplers that she took the motifs from were made by Christian Mitchel of Scotland and Margaret Hughes of England, and she has included a bit of her research about the girls in the instruction packet.

Stitches include:

  • Alternating Double Backstitch
  • Back Stitch
  • Cross Stitch Over Two
  • About 25 stitches of Cross Stitch Over One
  • Herringbone
  • Long Arm Cross Stitch
  • Nunโ€™s Stitch
  • Queen Stitch
  • Roman Stitch
  • Satin Stitch
  • Smyrna Cross
  • As well as a fancy but small Scottish alphabet from my Jane Catherine Helen Bowlby 1832 sampler
Additional information:
  • The workshop will take place via Zoom on Saturday, August 19, 2023
  • There is no pre-stitching for the class
  • Each studentโ€™s portion of the teaching fee and shipping fees will be calculated when the kits are mailed and that fee will be due in July

Refund Policy

Your kit fee is your NONREFUNDABLE deposit. There will be an additional fee assessed to cover the teaching fees/travel expenses.

The kit fee is NONREFUNDABLE.

Teaching and travel fees will be split amongst the workshop attendees. We calculate the fee using the total number of attendees.
If you are unable to attend on the day of the workshop you are still required to pay the teaching fee.