Happy 25th Anniversary to TRSG!

It’s hard for me to believe that the Guild has been active since 2000. I am proud to have been included in the discussions and the planning back then. We started with about 25-30 members at the first meeting. And look how we have grown! Over 200 members strong and still growing. I am thrilled that y’all are on this journey with me. We have some fun things planned this year so be sure to check the website and calendar frequently and attend the meetings.

Looking back to 2024-it was a great year. We were busy with programs, a workshop, and two Stitch-A-Longs. We heard about the Legend of the Tudor Rose, Ladies Pockets, Sudbury Hall School Samplers, and Scottish Samplers. We made a lady’s pocket, scissor fobs, covered buttons. We heard about stitching journeys that branched out to starting a business. Our members shared some of their stitching secrets. Our presenters were Relics In Situ, Running With Needles and Scissors, Lapin Loops, Olde Willow Stitchery, Sampler Bird Stitchery, Gentle Pursuits Designs, Collector With A Needle, and Dutch Treat Designs. And a number of these presenters are members-how awesome is that!

We made two donations in 2024: to the Sampler Consortium designated for use in their effort to register American School Girl Samplers. They have a large number of samplers already registered and are continuing to add more. You can read more about their goals on their website. The second donation was to help sponsor a lecture on the Royal School of Needlework in Philadelphia 1876 which gave us access to the lecture.

Gentle Pursuit Designs designed our annual Holiday Ornament and it was beautiful.

This year we are planning some give aways, interesting programs, some surprises, and a wonderful workshop with Erica Michaels and Michelle Ink. For those members who are not able to attend in person, they have also agreed to make this available to you.

I’m going to ask a favor of you-to help promote our guild, please wear your TRSG name tag as you attend stitching retreats, workshops, seminars, etc. You are our best ambassadors. If you haven’t made your name tag, you can find it on the website. When we were meeting in person (pre 2020), if you didn’t wear your name tag, you put $1.00 in the till. That would help fund the door prize for the next month. We can’t do that, being virtual, but we might start giving an incentive to wear your name tag to the Zoom meetings.

So, stick with us and get ready to Celebrate!

I would love to hear from you on any lecture subjects that interest you, a project you would like to work on or a workshop you would like to have in the future. Your participation is an integral part of the success of our guild, you can get involved by using the ‘Get in Touch’ page to contact us.

Kim H.-Peace on Earth by Samplers Not Forgotten

Cyndi S

2025-2026 President