Stacy Nash

November 2024 Show & Tell

At the November meeting Cissy Bailey Smith of Gentle Pursuit Designs presented the TRSG holiday ornament she designed for us. This unusual design, produced especially for the Tudor Rose Sampler Guild, features cross stitch, Florentine stitch, and Nun stitch, as well as two different types of silk. The ornament is triangular and self-lined with a […]

November 2024 Show & Tell

Doorway to Fall

Welcome back, stitchers! Our September program was a program on stash storage given by Debbie G. Members contributed with photos of their own storage methods and Debbie also provided a bunch of inspiration photos she had collected. If you want to share your own methods for stash organization or get inspired yourself, there is a

Doorway to Fall

Dog Days of Summer

Exciting things are happening in the world of needlework! It seems over the last ten years or so, we have lost important publications such as Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly and Fine Lines, just to name a few. For stitchers interested in antique needlework and reproduction samplers, it’s getting harder and harder to find publications

Dog Days of Summer