Jennifer M. began the April meeting by asking someone to consider volunteering to design our TRSG annual Christmas ornament.
Checks for guild membership or upcoming workshops can be turned in to Jennifer M. For anyone planning to attend the Patricks Woods “Ring o’ Roses” workshop in September (or one of the additional workshops offered), checks for the workshop or membership to the Greater Dallas EGA must be turned in by April 26th.
Marie Z. will make the presentation at the June meeting. Mary D., workshop assistant, reported on opportunities for 2012 workshops. She contacted the ladies at Blackbird Designs, however, they are not doing any teaching next year. Merry Cox never responded. Mary did, however, have a promising conversation with Linda Lautenschlager of Chessie and Me, who may be offering a great sampler opportunity for us. More to come on this. . .
Jennifer M. taught the stumpwork Caterpillar workshop in tonight’s meeting.