The Stacy Nash workshop was well attended and deemed a success! Stacy brought a number of finished pieces to show. . .

as well as numerous kits of her other designs. . .

Stacy was extremely “laid back” and personable in her teaching style and by the end of the weekend, we all felt like we had made a new friend. We look forward to working with her again.
We stitched and stitched on pin drums, to reach a point of stuffing. . .

Once we finished the stitching portion of the pin drum, we were ready to stuff, stuff, and stuff some more – what a mess! Just when you thought you couldn’t get anymore sawdust in that opening, Stacy would compact your pin drum and Voila! you could add another inch. . .

Once the pin drum was completely stitched and stuffed, it was ready for aging, using the walnut crystal mix Stacy provided. See Robert H’s demonstration:

Some of our members were able to stitch on the sewing roll companion to the pin drum by the second day of the workshop, but it seems most of us would be finishing our pieces at home. . .still another wonderful workshop!!